Reverend Angie Weston Hoff is a speaker, writer, and retreat leader.  A 2005 graduate of Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond, she is among the first females to receive the John Grover Scales Preaching Award for excellence in preaching.  Angie has lead women’s retreats on spirit/body renewal and prayer.  Her background in both massage therapy and  Christian ministry offers a holistic perspective that teaches about both spiritual and physical Sabbath rest.  Ironic that she should be an expert in this field, as she and her husband, Brian, are the very weary parents of two lively little men (Carter, age 2 & Thomas, age 9 months).  Angie is a contributing writer to newsletters of local women’s ministries and local chapters of Mothers of Preschoolers, where she has also been known to be a guest speaker.   She has served in ministry at the local, state, and national denominational levels–ministering directly to children, families, youth, adults, the senior population and most recently as Collegiate Minister at Blacksburg Baptist Church.  Ministry planning and prepping comes in 10-20 minute stints of time these days between diaper changing, chase games, and grouchy-toddler tickle attacks.  Angie offers a theological reflection of her baby-consumed days and her strive for ministry significance through her blog

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